Tuesday, November 11, 2008

La Nuit Americaine

Le Nuit American, Directed by François Truffaut depicts the parallels between life and art.

Like life, the in the midst of film production, anything can go wrong. For instance, director Ferrand, played by Francois Truffaut himself, has to accept the restraints of movie-house schedules. He also has to consider his surroundings due to mise-en-scene. He has to handle his cast with delicate care due to their melodramatic lifestyles and temperament. He even has to work around death. However, he has to complete the film. These ongoing and unforgiving obstacles must take place in order for the film to be completed. Therefore, the art of directing a film mirrors life.

Regardless of what incidents may occur in day-to-day life, life goes on. Le Nuit American heavily portrays this.

For instance, Although Julie and Alphonse, two significant actors in Ferrand’s film, end up having brief mental breakdowns during the production of it. This is because Alphonse has a fit when his girlfriend leaves him for a stuntman. Of course, Julie ends up committing adultery in order to convince him to stay to complete the film. Regardless, the film is eventually completed.

This film is light-hearted yet well induced with the sporadic incidents between of life and art. Proving they are essentially intertwined while at the same time parallel.

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